Posts tagged pregnancy
Prenatal Depression: The Most Under-Diagnosed Pregnancy Complication

If you think you are struggling with symptoms of prenatal depression, please know that there is hope and help! Counseling treatment has been shown to reduce prenatal depression symptoms and prevent the development of postpartum depression following the birth of a child. Counseling can allow you navigate your feelings and expectations around becoming a parent, help create a healthy and supportive environment for your child, allow you to develop coping skills for stress and anxiety, and manage stress and relational conflicts.

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Worry Work and How It Affects Women

Worry work or carrying the emotional load... both terms describe a constant, thrumming, low-level anxiety over the health and well-being of your children, and according to researchers, women tend to do more of the worry work than men do. It’s an endless list of organizational tasks that runs through your head like ticker tape: we’re out of milk, when do we need to apply for preschool, is the baby outgrowing her onesies, can't forget to schedule that doctor's appointment, are the kid's lunches packed for tomorrow...

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