You Might Benefit From Relational Counseling If...

As women, all of us get stuck at one point or another in a relationship and don’t know how to move forward. We’ve tried different approaches, strategies and even consulted girlfriends. In our minds, many of us categorize counseling as something for a relationship that is in crisis. Seeking counseling outside of a crisis can be beneficial to our overall emotional and relational health. If you have one or more of these 10 relational issues occurring in a close relationship with your mom/dad, a sibling, your husband, a boss, or one of your girlfriends, relational counseling might be beneficial for you!

10 Reason to Seek Relational Counseling

  1. You consistently have hurt feelings in the relationship 

  2. You struggle to express your emotions

  3. You tend to have imaginary conversations or you replay conversations over and over in your head about a person 

  4. You have conflict with a family member that is on-going and unresolved

  5. You consistently analyze what you said and feel embarrassment or shame after not so great interactions

  6. You feel distant and not connected 

  7. Have a hard time maintaining long term relationships 

  8. You feel isolated or alone in the area of relationships 

  9. You struggle to be vulnerable in trusted relationships

  10. You struggle with communication